Wednesday, 18 May 2011


One week into the project today  and task for today according to the 365 day project guru is to use a stencil in your work:

 I've been carrying around the paper cutout stencil of a flower head (but to me it looks more like a bunch of eliptical shaped leaves arranged in a circle) that a lovely friend of mine has a paper punch for (unfortunately if doesn't work on fabric, we tried, best way to get this sort of finish on fabric items is by getting the fabric laser-cut, but this isn't necessarily a cheap option!
My intention of using it as insipration in a cushion design for our new range, but hadn't yet done anything with it, so this project is the ideal oppotunity.
Along with some offcuts of Italian Guipure Lace that we had used in another work project for a client recently, I  thought I could draft up a few designs and play withe the cutout - here's a few ideas:

i) leaving the stencil whole but colouring it

ii) cutting the stencil into 4 and using is as a frame for the cushion

iii) as ii) above but adding lace leaves into the centre of the design.

Will add these designs to the sketchbook of inspiration - I'd really advise people to keep a log of any creative ideas and thought they have (and/or pictures they have cut out of a magazine) - its great to refer back to when you don't feel too inpspired!

Time spent - 30 mins

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